Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Its been a long time since I've posted. I have actually since my first couple of post done a 180...I now love my hair. The first 3 months was hard, only because people around me brought it to my attention. "Omg your gray," Omg you cut your hair'. See, I did a big chop so all the dye was out of my hair and my hair was growing back naturally gray. Now mostly everyone I know know now so nothing is really said out loud to me. My youngest , bless her, always tell me my hair is cute, especially when I style it. Everyone else that I know or close to me tend to ignore the hair. Strangers always come up and tell me how they love my hair and how soft it looks. Well I appreciated that and now on my own I'm embracing my gray.
To get thru the first few months I hide my hair with handband and scarfs.